Episode 38: End-of-Life Care Directives, How to Plan and Why Do it Sooner than Later

End-of-Life Care Directives, How to Plan and Why Do it Sooner than Later | Boomer Time with Nancy Cogar
  • Who this episode is for? Caregivers and aging adults concerned about planning for future healthcare emergencies
  • Topics covered in this podcast: End of life healthcare directives and DNRs – or do not resuscitate -, complications if those directives aren’t present, and why you need these now rather than later.

This episode begins with some questions that you may find very uncomfortable. Listen along and ask yourself if you’ve properly planned ahead for your care and if you know who you can trust to make decisions for you and your estate when the time comes.

I encourage people to plan ahead for it, which is why I’ve included a downloadable form for Tennessee residents. I also recommend sitting with an elder law attorney (like myself) to supervise. You don’t want to make mistakes with this process.

Resources Available in this Episode: Advance Directive For Health Care (Tennessee) [Download Now]

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Serving the needs of the aging population and their families.

2288 Gunbarrel Road Ste. 154 PMB 226; Chattanooga, TN 37421

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