Episode 30: Elder Law and Estate Planning FAQs, Part Two

Elder Law and Estate Planning FAQs, Part Two | Boomer Time with Nancy Cogar

Do you know the difference between a Will and a Trust?

I wanted to dedicate this episode to more of your Frequently Asked Questions about Elder Law and Estate Planning. A huge thank you to those of you who sent in your questions. I really do appreciate hearing from each of you. I take your input seriously.

Have a question for me? Reach out by filling out my contact form (at www.nancycogar.com), or email me at [email protected]. Your question may end up on a future episode.

ICYMI: Speaking of episodes, why not go back and listen to our first FAQ episode, plus there’s a few other episodes that can help expand on some very important questions involving Estate Planning:

Each of these episodes are jam packed with information you and your family need to know to protect your interests.

June Giveaway: Get Scooters Coffee on Me!

There’s still time! During the month of June 2024, visit NancyCogar.com to get a chance to win Scooters Coffee. Take your loved one for a cup of coffee (or a shake) and get a conversation going.

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  3. You’re done and now entered for the June drawing. It’s that easy.

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Serving the needs of the aging population and their families.

2288 Gunbarrel Road Ste. 154 PMB 226; Chattanooga, TN 37421

[email protected]
(423) 892-2006 (p) | (423) 892-1919 (f)

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